Marc Arand, Group CEO of Banque Havilland, had the honour of presenting the trophy to the winner of the Monaco race.

On Sunday, the first Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup race was hosted in Monaco. The embedding of the racing series in the Formula 1 circus adds to its charm. After a great start, Harry King was able to move to the front of the field and did not relinquish the lead until the end of the race. During the race, there were sometimes close fights for positions. Alex Fach’s team was able to take places 6, 14 and 15, while the race threw big challenges at the drivers and teams.
Marc Arand, Group CEO of Banque Havilland, had the honour to hand over the trophy to the winner of the race together with the Minister of State of Monaco.
We were delighted to share a unique experience in the paddock with our guests.
We can hardly wait for the future races and look forward to exciting duels and interesting conversations around the racing events.